This is my final concept for this project. The reason that I choose this concept is I want to reverse it to creative and ideal shapes but I also want to keep the SYMBOLIC imagery of each piece.
[6 Different Pieces in a line]
I used my favorite colors; pastel, this is my representative colors among the entire of this course. Similar to the Reverse Engineered project, I choose to not use any shade or darkness on my object because that is more comport to the mood/tone of the LEGO concept. I also tried to make it looks like a 'product design' concept.
[The entire set Mocked up on a chess board]
I challenged two different styles of rendering, another one is the black/white glass. The rendering took about 3hrs 40min, and I really love how they came out after. One thing I want to fix is the shades. It could be more realistic if with some shades on the bottom of the pieces.
[Photo/video documentation of printing process]
I failed twice while I was printing, the first was because I made a mistake with setting before printing. the first time, I printed whole pieces at the same time, but that was not the right choice. I did not check the 'brim', so they were just fell down. So I choose to give them brim to hold the bottom strongly. But the main problem of the second and third was the scale. I divided the number of printing as 3 times, so the scale was not balanced between each other. The last day of finishing my 3D printing was Tuesday, Nov. 30. (it took about 2 hrs ~ 3 hrs for each piece) Anyway, I learned a lot of processes of the 3D printer while those mistakes.
I really appreciate that I could learn about the 3D printing process while this course. I strongly recommend this course to other students and I believe that I am gonna take 310 class next year.